
So I guess Pandora needs a connection speed of at least 500 Kbps to work, and my internet company starts rate-limiting people if they use 500 Mb per 24 hours. I don't know math at all, but it means I can listen to Pandora for a few hours before my connection gets dial-up slow for the next day and a half. Boo. I liked going through and saying whether I liked stuff or didn't like stuff, and seeing why they picked stuff for me (apparently, I like music with major key tonality and minor key tonality--WHO KNEW?).

The Knitting Olympics starts today. I also have so much work to be doing for school in the next few weeks, not to mention having to go home for 4.5 days to babysit the dog. I guess that's the spirit of the games--getting this thing done despite the obstacles. However, when I signed up, I wasn't really anticipating all this crap. Stupid me, I signed up before class even started, so I had no idea what my workload would be like. Anyyyyyyyyway, check out my knitblog sometime in the next two weeks if you care.

I'm going to go read as much as I can in the two hours before the KO start.

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