
     Talia wanted to know how to knit, so I showed her. She then went immediately to a yarn shop and started hanging out with their knit club there. She came back and told me she had been offered a job there. I was incredibly jealous, and I was like, "Do you even know the difference between worsted and bulky? Between alpaca and cashmere?" I stomped up to my bedroom (which was some sort of attic loft). She followed me, and I pushed her through the doorway and slammed the door in her face. I went to another yarn shop, where this French girl who was formerly my TA and is now a peer (in real life) was hanging out. She was tipsy and told me jokes.
     Then Rob's dad wanted to chastise me for something. He was wearing half of a lobster costume, because he had had to do some sort of play. Cassie was nearby, shopping for makeup derived from pomegranates.
     Then it turned out that Talia's job was really for an Amish furniture store that was in the same strip mall as the yarn shop. Her job was to keep the cooler full of juice and soda for the customers. She hated it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are bizarre and you should take it to Mulholland